Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo

I think I might of been a mermaid in my former life.  Maybe not the kind that sings and uses a fork to comb her hair, but simply the kind that thrives in water. My swimming addiction is a healthy one but the after effects aren't so pretty. Fall has officially arrived and my relaxing pool days are over, which means it's time for some damage control and a detox.

Living in Las Vegas, with lovely warm temps most of the year, I tend to swim from May to September. That's 5 months, approximately 3 days a week and an average of 60 days spent immersed in chlorine and a


of other nasty chemicals.

This past summer my hair has been a wreck. Besides the oil and residue building I also had some scalp breakouts. This was not fun and


embarrassing to even discuss.  Even after washing my hair with my regular shampoo it still felt dirty and so did my scalp.

I'm so grateful that after I started using the

Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo

my hair felt softer, cleaner and looked more vibrant! The oil build-up disappeared and


did my breakouts!

Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo review

BEFORE (left): My Anti-Residue Moment: Summer Swimming,    AFTER (right): 



Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo

Having healthy hair is a essential and

Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo



afe for color-treated hair and

 instantly removes up to 90% of dulling residue caused by shampoos, conditioners and styling products. 

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Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo giveaway

If you need to say goodbye to build up and want to try out the Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo for yourself just share a photo on




about a moment that triggered your need for a hair detox and tag me (


) in your photo and include #byebuildup in your post.  Good Luck! 

(One winner will be chosen at random (US only) and notified on 10/4/16.)

This post was sponsored by Neutrogena as part of an Influencer Activation for SheSpeaks. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.